the new year ahead

 It’s already a week into the new year & I’m just now getting around to writing the typical “new year, new me” post. I’m not really a big goal setter in life, but with having this space to share my life on it sort of helps me to grow in this area publicly. Goals aren’t necessarily a bad thing, I’m just really good at not keeping them, so I figure why even make them to begin with? But the older I get I see that the point of them is to try & help better yourself & your takeaway from life & there’s no harm in that. So I’m glad to so say that this year I’ve made a few that I really think will be quite beneficial for me.

Go, be there, & have fun.

I tend to be someone who says they are content with doing nothing. I’m also someone who lets anxiety stop me from doing things or attending events. And I noticed that I actually missed out on a lot last year because of those two things. Well, this year I want to go, to be there, & to actually have fun. I am surrounded by people who love & care about me, & I do a lot to avoid them. I say I crave community, but I do nothing to satisfy it. I want that to change this year. I don’t want to miss out, I want to be present & truly enjoy myself & the people around me.

Find the balance in everything.

I know a lot of people talk about balance & how important it is & I think that’s because it really is an important thing to learn how to do properly. So this year I want to focus on learning about it more. Balancing healthy food & donuts, screen time & reading time, being indoor & outdoor, family/friends/new friendships, social media & living in the moment, & less nights in & more nights out. Balance is the key to getting the most out of life & I hope to figure that out this year.

Create the life I want to live.

This one might seem weird to most people, but it’s something I talk about doing all the time yet never actually do. So this year I want to stop talking about it, & create it. I want to make my life happen instead of just waiting around dreaming about it. That means more saying yes, more inviting friends to hang out, more making plans & keeping them, more doing what I want no matter what others think, more adventures, more random moments, more going, more trying new things, & more being myself & who I want to be. I don’t have to settle for a life that everyone says I have to have, I can create the one I want to be living. I need to commit to this, it’s something I desire & I really hope I do it this year.

These three things are pretty simple: be there, balance, & create. But I honestly think that if I focus on doing these things then it’ll help me to enjoy this next year more. Let’s hope that it does!

 — abbey kay
*brought to you by a girl who yearns for more 





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